You can recertify in two ways. By earning 30 CEs in a 5 year period or retaking the exam.
***Please note option to recertify via CE's must be done prior to expiration date listed. Failure to recertify using CE's by expiration date will result in mandatory retake of the exam.***
If you opt to retake the exam click herejavascript:mctmp(0); to be directed to the PTC website to complete the exam application process. NOTE- You will still need to apply with the AAET recertification application and $75 fee will still apply. See below for application instructions.
To Recertify:
Mail-in submissions will not be accepted. Fill out the AAET Educational Activity Log. You must provide a proof of passing PTC scorecard OR a total of 30 CE credits. All 30 credits (5 being from AAET) must have been achieved within the 5 year period of being registered or previous recertification, to meet the requirements of recertification. See: AAET Rules for Acquiring AAET-CE's.
When completing the on-line application you will need to upload your Educational Activity Log along with certificates or documentation for proof of each CE. Meeting itinerary is necessary for offerings outside of AAET with certificate of completion. Incomplete activity logs and/or missing continuing educational support documents will not be accepted. Please note-AAET reserves the right to request additional proof of attendance, including, but not limited to event attendance log, certificates of attendance or other official proof of attendance forms.
1. Update your account profile with correct address/email/phone to ensure you receive your updated certificate.
2. Fill out the AAET Educational Activity Log. ***Your application will not be accepted without a complete log including your credits earned with AAET, with all certificates.***
3. Click to submit your on-line application. This is where you will upload your Educational Activity Log with certificates and/or documents of proof of each CE and make your payment of $75.
If you have question regarding the recertification process please contact us at